Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Garden

I am going to call 2012 my very first garden.  Before that I had one or two failed attempts at a tiny vegetable patch.  I wasn't serious about those.  I just wanted a few super yummy homegrown tomatoes, but life soon got in the way, and the weeds quickly took over past the point of no return.  In 2012 I was really focused on growing healthy food for my family.  I bought seeds and a few little plants.  My husband borrowed a tiller and I made a really good attempt, which was relatively successful.  We enjoy tons of cherry tomatoes and some cucumbers, and a few peppers.  Not bad for a first attempt.  The weeds were pretty vicious and battling them was pretty exhausting.  I also watered a lot.  Our summers are hot.  This gardening thing was work.  Work paid with tomatoes wasn't too shabby though.

Summer started to wrap up.  I had bookmarked a cool looking gardening documentary months before, and happened to watch it right before Hurricane Sandy came through.  I was hooked pretty quickly.  No tilling?  Few weeds?  Huge, delicious fruits and veggies?  Sign me up!  Let me tell you, it was so life changing  I am really excited to be able to share it whenever I can.  It's so simple, most of us miss it.  In order to grow healthy, nutritious food, your soil must be healthy and full of vitamins and minerals.  We think we know the best way to grow, and yet the earth was designed to do it perfectly, if only we take a second to look.  It's a wonderful film, and very generously the women who made it allow all who wish to, to view it for free.


You can watch the entire film for free here:

Trust me though, you will probably want to buy the dvd so you can watch it over and over and share with your friends.  Also, once you've watched the film and digested the information, check out the YouTube page L2Survive for TONS of interviews with Paul, a wonderful garden tour in its entirety and TONS of other little clips with information.  L2Survive on YouTube

I'll post photos of last year's garden soon.  I got my woodchips in the fall of 2012 and planted using this method in the spring of 2013.  I am extremely excited to plant this year after seeing the results last year after such a short time.  It's one of those things that just keeps getting better and better with time.

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